
Dead on Arrival

We prioritize the safe delivery of your fish with every precaution. In the event of issues like Dead on Arrival (DOA) fish or incorrect items in your order, please adhere to these guidelines for submitting a claim:

Claim Submission Deadline: Ensure your claim is submitted within 2 hours of confirmed delivery to prevent voiding of your warranty or guarantee.

Evidence Required: Record a clear video and take a photo of the deceased or incorrect fish in the sealed bag, and send them to kaijugoldfish@gmail.com.

Information Needed: Include your full name, phone number, and Order number in the email. Please note that we are not liable for fish perishing due to the customer's unavailability to receive the delivery. Make sure you're available upon arrival.

Prompt Contact: Contact us within 2 hours of receiving the package to facilitate DOA or incorrect fish claims, using the delivery time provided by the carrier's tracking information for verification.

Please note that valid DOA claims are eligible for store credit only. Once processed, you'll receive credit for future purchases. It's important to remember that shipping costs are non-refundable.


7-Day Warranty

We at Kaiju Goldfish USA want you to be successful in your fish keeping journey.  Your success is our success as well. We are confident at the degree of care and precautions we take to ensure your goldfish is in good health and condition prior to shipping to you. Therefore, we are offering a 7-day warranty applied to the following:

  • Overnight Shipping - eligible for 100% store credit for the cost of fish
  • 2 Day Shipping - eligible for 50% store credit for the cost of fish

In very rare case of disease, stress, or any case that you observe your fish be developing symptoms of illness and expiring within 7 days from delivery, please file a claim by emailing below information to KaijuGoldfish@gmail.com: 

  • If or when the fish dies, record a 15 seconds clear video of the dead fish
  • Perform a water test on the tank where the fish was in as soon as you discover that the fish has expired. Ensure it shows the results along with the reference guide

Sample photo of TEST kit result:

Photo credited to https://worldwaterreserve.com/

The results you email to us will never be shared or used against you, nor will they invalidate your claim. Our goal is to support you in identifying and resolving any issues to prevent future distress for your fish. We're dedicated to building a lasting relationship with you and ensuring the smooth operation of your tank.

All steps above must be taken for your claim to be valid

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns or questions about the fish you've ordered. We're here to help!

Please note:

  • Valid claims are eligible for store credit only. Once processed, you'll receive credit for future purchases. It's important to remember that shipping costs are non-refundable.
  • Store credit expire within 90 days from the issued date.
  • A claim can be submitted only once per fish purchased, and it is valid exclusively for transactions fully paid with a debit or credit card.


Order Cancellation

If you request a refund within 24 hours of placing your order or before your fish is packed for courier shipment, we will refund 90% of the total transaction. The remaining 10% will cover non-refundable administrative and transaction fees imposed by the selling platform and credit company. Alternatively, if the refund request is made after this timeframe, a 30% restocking fee (based on the total transaction amount) will be deducted. This fee encompasses administrative expenses associated with restocking inventory, loss of sales, and unused resources.

Once your order has entered the shipping process, changes or cancellations are not possible.

Please email us at kaijugoldfish@gmail.com with your full name, phone number, and Order number.

Please Note: Making a purchase requires careful consideration. We undertake multiple steps to prepare live goldfish for shipment, such as fasting and professional packaging, incurring preparation costs covered by the restocking fee. Thus, we urge customers to factor this into their decision-making process

By placing an order with us, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to our cancellation policy. Should you have any inquiries or reservations regarding this policy, we encourage you to reach out to us prior to making a purchase.


**All above are subject to change without prior notice